Monday, October 19, 2009

Blog 4 - Reflection

We got a surprise when we found out that we would be doing our class in November instead of mid-October. So there was some communication issues that we had to get worked out. There was also some confusion at first as to what we'd be doing. It seemed from the info that we got, that we'd be teaching students and staff how to use the software. We had planned to split our team into two teams of three with one group taking the staff and one taking the residents. However, we found out we'd only be teaching the residents, so we identified all of the jobs we believed we'd have and still had two teams to three with one from each group having the same set of tasks. That way there would be two people working on each section and only presenting on one day of the the two we needed to be there. Now I hear that we may only be teaching one class. I think that someone is going to be standing against a wall, because almost no one has signed up so far and 6 people are going to be overkill. Currently I'm waiting for two group members to finish there section so that me and my counter part can begin working on our section and let the last two finish their sections.