Sunday, December 6, 2009

Blog Response Inventory

Sept. 21, Timmy Jones, Blog 2, Sept. 21
Nov. 5, Chris Lambert, Blog 5, Oct. 27
Nov. 16, David Harris, Blog 6, Nov. 16
Dec. 6, David Harris, Metacognitive, Nov. 30

I looked through everyone's twice and couldn't find my other 3 postings. I'm gonna send out an e-mail to see if everyone can check theirs, cause I can't find them, but I know I did them.


I've learned some important things in this class, this year. I've gotten to coordinate in teams and have to work that aspect out. It got even harder when we not only had to coordinate people and work, but we also had to coordinate and meet at the Heritage Lowman Home. I'm just glad we didn't end up having to worry about the shadow's or whatever that other class was supposed to be. They didn't even show up for our Volgistics/BeWell Serve until it was over. There were several problems with our project this semester. The name changing in the middle of the semester was the smallest problem. First, we were supposed to teach two classes near the beginning of the semester. They ended up changing that to one class at the end of the semester. That left a lot of people a lot of time to do very little work. The other big problem that actually held us up till right before our class was getting in to see an account from the user's point of view. Apparently, the Lowman Home believed that the volgistics software was free, when in reality, they were only using a trial version and we only had 20 loggins before we couldn't get on again. And that was an admin account. So it was hard to get the screen shots and figure out what problems the users are going to face. We were pretty sure that there weren't going to be any big issues, so we did what we could and got it taken care of. It was a short class and there were four students, 6 of us, mary, and the 564 team. I believe that this is a good learning experience and hopefully it'll help the next group plan better. So I've learned a lot, through practical experience, about the ins and outs of adult learning this semester.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Blog 7 - Second Reflection

Our workshop delivery date was originally scheduled to be near the beginning of the semester. We split three different jobs between the six group members. This way, two group members would be doing the same thing for each of the three different jobs. This would make it easy for us to make sure that everything was double checked and correct. It would also cut the work in half. We would split the group of six into two groups of three and three people would do each day. Jose and I were in charge of presentation and handouts.

Our workshop delivery date was moved from the original dates to the very last workshop of the semester and it was changed from two classes to one. I believe this was because of a lack of people wanting to attend the workshop. I don’t believe that very many people signed up for the class. There was a problem with people signing up and then not showing up, or people not signing up and then showing up. On the day we did our class, there were only four people there. Those four people were taught by the six members in my group along with Mary and the members of the 564 class that were overseeing the project. I believe that our class was a success, even though it had an overkill of teachers. The whole project has been a little stressful with everything last minute and changing, but I believe we pulled it off well.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Blog 6

I've got a bunch going on in all my classes. It's getting on toward the end of the semester and everything is starting to pile up. I've got groups and projects in all of my classes, so I'm getting stretched thin out of class as well as in. To make it worse, I've got important parts that are key to the success of the entire project in more than one of my groups. I'm staying on top of everything as well as I can, but it's difficult. In this class, I'm coordinating with Jose to come up with power points and handouts for our Heritage Loweman House class. It's difficult, because there have been problems with our topic. The main one is that we can't get a look at what the students will be seeing, only the back end that an admin sees. This makes it hard for me and Jose to get the particular screen shots we need. We can't wait any longer and have to get cracking on it whether we have them or not. I'm trying to get everything done so that I can go camping this weekend and not let anything go or let anyone down.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Blog 5

We're having trouble with our group assignment. We can't get the proper log on to get into volgistics so that we can learn and then teach. If we can't get that then we can only do so much. It's getting pretty close to time to need it so we're getting worried.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Blog 4 - Reflection

We got a surprise when we found out that we would be doing our class in November instead of mid-October. So there was some communication issues that we had to get worked out. There was also some confusion at first as to what we'd be doing. It seemed from the info that we got, that we'd be teaching students and staff how to use the software. We had planned to split our team into two teams of three with one group taking the staff and one taking the residents. However, we found out we'd only be teaching the residents, so we identified all of the jobs we believed we'd have and still had two teams to three with one from each group having the same set of tasks. That way there would be two people working on each section and only presenting on one day of the the two we needed to be there. Now I hear that we may only be teaching one class. I think that someone is going to be standing against a wall, because almost no one has signed up so far and 6 people are going to be overkill. Currently I'm waiting for two group members to finish there section so that me and my counter part can begin working on our section and let the last two finish their sections.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Blog 3

We've just started getting into our group projects. I went over to the Heritage Lowman Home for the kick off party. There weren't many people their and no one signed up for our class. I asked her if we just got an "A" if no one signed up. She came back later and said that our project would be to recruit if no one signed up. I've been trying to keep up on my reading. I'm also ready to start learning about my annotated bibliography topic. I chose learning through games and I think there will be some interesting stuff.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Blog 1

It's been pretty busy with groups in four out of five of my class. We did get together with our groups for our projects this semester and I'm happy with my group. I'm not familiar with the subject we have to cover, but i'm confident that we can get it taken care of. I don't have much else to say about what we've done right now. I'm just trying to keep up with everything at the moment.