Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Blog 6

I've got a bunch going on in all my classes. It's getting on toward the end of the semester and everything is starting to pile up. I've got groups and projects in all of my classes, so I'm getting stretched thin out of class as well as in. To make it worse, I've got important parts that are key to the success of the entire project in more than one of my groups. I'm staying on top of everything as well as I can, but it's difficult. In this class, I'm coordinating with Jose to come up with power points and handouts for our Heritage Loweman House class. It's difficult, because there have been problems with our topic. The main one is that we can't get a look at what the students will be seeing, only the back end that an admin sees. This makes it hard for me and Jose to get the particular screen shots we need. We can't wait any longer and have to get cracking on it whether we have them or not. I'm trying to get everything done so that I can go camping this weekend and not let anything go or let anyone down.


  1. Every year toward the end of semester, I have to go through the same process as you do. I don't understand why professors like to cram up tests, quizzes, and group projects at the end of semester. With the group project, I learned it in a hard way last semester. I started my project at the last minute and I ended up not doing too well on the project. So the next when professors give project, start doing the project early so you don’t have to cram up at the end of semester.

  2. Joel, I understand of what you are going through with Volgistics and we are completely aware of the situation. It is just one of those things that are completely out of ours and your control. You just have to do the best that you can do with the hand you are delt. The problem is now that the software is in a trial state and once the workshop is over, the students will not be able to continue using the program. It is just a lack of communication down the line somewhere.
